HuffPost Reports:
Ridings to Watch
A cross-country pulse on ballot box issues leading up to the 2018 Canadian election.
From climate change to the opioid crisis, HuffPost Reports visited key ridings in 5 provinces, taking a deep dive into topics that mattered to Canadians as they headed to the polls in the federal election.
I lead all production of this digital video series that highlighted the voices of the Canadian electorate and party candidates.
In the episode featured below, our team of three travelled two hours north of Thompson, Manitoba, down a road once voted Canada’s most dangerous highway, to visit the Tataskweyak Cree Nation reserve. This Indigenous community, within the riding of Churchill-Keewatinook Aski, shared their concerns about the safety of their drinking water.
PLATFORM: HuffPost Canada
FORMAT: Digital Series + Social Content
ROLE: Senior Producer
Full series here.